Newcomerstown Ohio E-News
  1. Our application for EPA Phase 2 funding has been completed and submitted. This is a requirement before full utilization of the Simonds land can occur. The park land will be tested first.
  2. The EPA also has a recycling grant for removing of debris from Brownfield sites. It is a 25% match. I would like to apply for $100,000. This would be for the removal of the administration Simonds building and as much cement that’s left to be removed. I will ask for your approval to proceed at the next Council meeting.
  3. We are continuing our work with the schools and Mediwise on creating and organizing a POD (Point of Delivery) site at the new field house. We received the preliminary layout and costs pertaining to the Splash Pad. They were eye opening but are adjustable. Thrasher (Out of Canton) Engineering provided the information.
  4. The new recycling center beside the Waterworks Building is almost ready to use. We need the bins transferred here and signage to complete. This was done at no cost to the Village (approximately $25,000).

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