Newcomerstown Ohio E-News
  1. The correct framework for the salt bin will be brought in on Monday.
  2. The Library and volunteers took care of anyone who needed help registering for their vaccine registration. There were only a few that came each day. Thank you to the Library and their Staff!
  3. We had several residents that live on Martin Luther King Drive visit and were given a catalog to select playground equipment to construct at Southside Park this summer.
  4. I met with AT&T down at the site of the boat ramp. There is a huge fiber optics line that will need to be lowered where the drive crosses it on the way to the boat ramp.
  5. Blaine Little also met with us to identify the trees that need to come down for the boat ramp.
  6. Lisa and I met with Park National Bank to discuss investment of funds since the interest rate in our market account has been at .7 of a percent. He has a plan that we want to you to see. That will be the meeting on February 15.

Pat Cadle, Mayor

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