Please Read Policys on Pools

Meter readings are a MUST.   No readings- no sewer deductions, no exceptions.

The Village of Newcomerstown customers are permitted to have the sewer reduction of their bill for filling a pool once a year. An exception will be made for equipment failure which results in a refill after the repairs have been made. Customers are responsible to provide a meter reading before and after the pool fill. The Village of Newcomerstown will take a before and after reading on the request of the customer if meter is not accessible to the customer, during regular working hours. 
The Village of Newcomerstown customers power washing are permitted to have a sewer reduction from their bill with a minimum of 1000 gallons used, once a year. Customers are responsible to provide a meter reading before and after the power washing. The Village of Newcomerstown will take a before and after reading on the request of the customer if meter is not accessible to the customer, during regular working hours.

Official Policy

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