Board of Zoning Appeals

Purpose of the Board of Zoning Appeals:

The purpose of the Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) is to hear appeals of decisions made by the Zoning Inspector; and to review and authorize projects where there are practical difficulties or unnecessary physical hardships in carrying out the strict interpretation of this Ordinance, providing such exception is in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Ordinance and in accordance with the procedures and provisions specified in this Article; and to perform other duties as determined by the Village Council. The BZA shall have the powers and duties as described in this Ordinance.

In order to input a request, please see the information listed on this document. If the requirements or deadlines are not met, request is subject to possible rejection by the committee (until completion is met).


Members and contact information for the Current Board of Zoning Appeals:

All future BZA terms will be five-years

Two Year Term (ending 12-31-24): Jim Friel 740 227 1033
Three Year Term (ending 12-31-25) Craig Mann 740 552 8300
Four Year Term (ending 12-31-26) Jim Lawrence
Five Year Term (ending 12-31-27) Sherrie Eicholtz 740 502 0049
Five Year Term (starting 1-1-24 ending 12-31-28) Dave Hickman 330 243 4141

Downloadable PDF Materials and Forms for Zoning
Contact Us
Phone Numbers
Emergencies: Dial 911
308 South College St