
The purpose of this Ordinance is:

⁍ To promote and protect the public safety, convenience, comfort, prosperity and general welfare by regulating and limiting the use of land and building and the erection, restoration and condition of buildings and alterations thereto, and the use thereof for purposes such as agriculture, residences, business and industry.

⁍ To regulate the area and dimensions of land, setbacks and yards so as to secure adequate light, pure air, and safety from fire and other dangers.

⁍ To facilitate safe and convenient traffic circulation.

⁍ To protect the character and values of agricultural, residential, business, industrial, institutional, and public areas and to assure their orderly and beneficial development; and

⁍ To provide for the most advantageous use of public utilities, such as water, energy, telecommunications, sewerage collection and disposal and storm drainage. 

Link to the Ordinance

If you are commercial or industry based, you may need permits through the Village. However, you will need permits through the East Central Ohio Building Authority also. Please give them a call at (330) 364-3164 for proper permits. Our Zoning Officer in the Village will take your questions for our permit requirements as a commercial or industry based entity. His number is 740-498-6313 ex 1102. Or you can email him.


The Village of Newcomerstown staff, elected officials, the Board of Zoning Appeals, Planning Commission and Zoning Inspector will work hard to make the best decisions for the entire community. If you are in doubt as to whether or not a zoning permit is required for your project, please contact the Village of Newcomerstown Zoning-Planning Department and we'll be happy to answer all of your questions so that you have the accurate information. We appreciate community involvement, including with zoning matters. Please feel free to let us know your thoughts, ideas and suggestions to make either new or changes to existing zoning laws. This can be done by attending Newcomerstown Village Council meeting or by contacting the Planning Committee or contacting your elected council representative or the zoning inspector. 


Some useful links:

⦿2024 Planning Committee and Board of Zoning Appeals meeting dates and deadlines⦿

⦿Planning a project in the Village of Newcomerstown?⦿

⦿Planning Committee Contact Information⦿

⦿Board of Zoning Appeals Members⦿

⦿Zoning Manual⦿

⦿Zoning Map⦿

⦿Have a Complaint or Zoning Violation to report?⦿

⦿If You Are Building As a Commercial Business or Industry⦿

Downloadable PDF Materials and Forms for Zoning
Contact Us
Phone Numbers
Emergencies: Dial 911
308 South College St